i am linking up with some other bloggers (though a day late!) at a holy experience on sharing what we are thankful for - thanks barbie for urging me to join in! i love to read and hear what other people are thankful for because it stirs up my heart to thanksgiving as well. do you find this to happen to you as well?
as you know if you have been reading this blog for very long, i love thankful lists! i am excited to join in and purpose my heart to give thanks in all circumstances and to seek out the things He has done for me and acknowledge them with my lips (or fingers in this case). i always think of this verse:
be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication
with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.
philippians 4:6
i personally struggle with the anxious part, so you will find me going back to what i am thankful for over and over again... and then trying the best i can to bring the rest to God in prayer.
i also have been walking around singing the chorus to one of brian johnson's songs on the bethel music newest cd be lifted high:
i remind myself of all that You've done,
and the life i have because of Your Son...
love came down and rescued me
love came down and set me free
i am Yours, i am forever Yours
sometimes i lose vision of all He has done for me and just the fact that i have salvation alone should keep me thankful all day long every day, but i, like every human out there, have to refocus my heart towards thanksgiving over and over and over again.
i think the goal of this challenge is to get to 1000 things we are thankful for... from that new book one thousand gifts (that i haven't read yet, but keep hearing great things about). so here is the start of my list:
1. eternal life paid by the blood of Jesus for me!
2. the overwhelming response on here and facebook to two of my most recent posts that were two of the most difficult for me to write - the Lord has made me happy and there must be more than this. thank you!
3. my sister for redesigning my blog! didn't she do an amazing job?
4. my husband of 9 years tomorrow! God brought me the perfect balance - one who bring calm to my storms, laughter to my moodiness, leadership and covering in godliness to my family of 4 boys, and the best witness to my life that i could have asked for.
5. my family - immediate and extended. i realize i often take for granted that i have so much in riches in them and their pursuit of the Lord in their lives, their encouragement in mine, and the amazing heritage of the reality of the verse "as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" handed down to me for free.
6. the Holy Spirit's constant activity in my heart.
7. a warm cup of tea on a cold morning - pg tips, of course, with honey and milk.
8. hot showers. by myself, preferably.
9. the ability to play the piano - thank you mom and dad for investing in lessons for me so i could have this great go to when i need to connect with God or just allow my heart to overflow onto the keys.
10. my iphone. i never thought i would like a smart phone, as i am not much of a technology kind of gal, but my husband gave it to me last year on our anniversary and i have actually enjoyed being so spoiled to have it over the past year.
if you want to join in and link up, click on the link above and follow her instructions on how to join.
what are you thankful for today? please share in the comment section and let's all encourage each other towards remembering all He has done for us!