Monday, March 14, 2011

do you dread mondays?

am i the only one who dreads mondays?  i think it has been so engrained into me that mondays are bad news... first day of the work week for many people or first day of the school week when you are a student.  but for me as a stay at home mom with my four boys, there is no reason that i should still dread monday morning like i did in high school.  yet, i do!

i have a solution!  (we will see how it works.)  to change my bad attitude about mondays, i am going to try to purpose my heart sunday night to think about all that i am thankful for instead of all of my "to-do" list for the following week.  sound like a good plan?  we will see.

in light of the earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear plant meltdowns this past week in japan, i really do realize i have so much to be thankful for.  there is so much i take for granted every single day as if life is somehow owed to me.  i have an entitlement mentality and in reality every single breath is a gift from God.  i wish that it didn't take something like this past week to realign my thinking. 

last week i shared the first 10 things i am thankful for of a list of hopefully 1000 things i am compiling.  i am keeping track on mine here on my blog, but one of you suggested in the comments last week that it would be a good idea to buy a journal and do it with your kids.  i love it!  i am thinking it would be fun to do that at our house as well.  i already try to talk to my kids regularly about cultivating a thankful heart and we share what we are thankful for, but to have a record that we could look back at as a family would be such a treasure! it would also serve as a powerful reminder of the testimony of God's activity in our family in times when we need that reminder to stir up our faith.

keep sharing ideas in the comments below - i think the discussion and ideas help us all so much.  also, don't be shy to reply to others comments if you have something to add or ask - i have the comments set up so it is easy to facilitate discussion and reply to specific people.


11. the miracles happening every day over in japan in the midst of crisis.  one of you shared in the comments of my post a prayer for japan and for us that a man was rescued who was swept out to sea in the tsunami after two days of clinging to the roof of his house!  wow!
12. a friend of mine was raised as a missionary in japan and his parents and two brothers are still there.  they are safe!  they have a cabin in minamisoma where the tsunami hit and would have most likely been there if it had happened during the summertime.  so thankful for protection.

13. saturday night my husband and i had a great date for our 9th wedding anniversary!

14. quick answers to prayer.  on thursday last week we had no gas in the car for me to drive across town to a meeting i had to be at, as well as no gas to finish out the week.  we sat down to pray and literally in the middle of praying my phone rang with someone wanting to buy something i had listed on craig's list over and over again for several months with no success of selling.  he came by 20 minutes later to buy it.  that seriously made my week!

15. our new refrigerator that my in laws bought us... the one we have had has been dying a slow death over the past 7.5 years of owning it (we inherited it with the purchase of our house).

16.  my mommy.  she is amazing. i aspire to be a mom like her.  today is her birthday.  happy birthday mom! 

17. the watch of the Lord - our house of prayer we oversee here in redding.  i am so blessed to be an intercessory missionary and be a part of a community of believers dedicated to persevere in prayer.

18. my bed.  we got a new mattress for christmas... it is a dream to sleep on after our first mattress we bought at an auction when we got married for $60.  this is like a 1000 times upgrade!

19. my minivan.  i never wanted to be a minivan driver, but i have the best minivan imaginable.  seriously.  now i just need to figure out how to keep it picked up from all the boys stuff they like to leave in it!

20. my four boys.  i have the best kids imaginable.  they keep me hopping, keep me laughing, and keep me thankful.

go to a holy experience to link up and join in!

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